Monday, October 24, 2011


Behold Aztec inspired earings!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Late night

a slightly slanted black tip w white dots :)
=_= soo sleeepy but i gotta go back to study

Friday, October 14, 2011


Hello all :)
My friend drawed this beautiful henna tatoo yesterday. It was for a fundraising event for the Charity org "Radio Lollipop". I'm just glad that I contributed for a good cause and get something so lovely in return :)

Hav a good day!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Leopard Nails :D

I looove this leopard print nail art!!! It gives off this really strong vibe! lol! "who dares to get in my way, I'm gonna eat then alive!" kind of feeling
I'm just starting to draw fun things on my nails recently and nail art is so interesting!

credits; cutepolish@youtube

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Comme d'habitude...

Pourquoi est ce que je fais toujours les choses à la dernière minute?? Et à chaque fois je me dis "ça y est, la prochaine fois je vais faire tout en avance, comme ça on est tranquille" meuh noooon j'ai toujours cette mauvaise habitude qui me colle au dos, pdt le lycée ça va, c'était pas trop mal vu que c'est beaucoup moins stressant que l'université.
Bon....j'ai 2 devoirs écrit à finir avant la fin de la semaine prochaine et en plus il faut que je commence les révisions aussi parce que les examens arrivent ds 3 semaines x(
Vivement les vacances!

.....I was just talking about how bad I am with keeping up with my's just I can't escape procrastination for some reasons...I'm sure u've been there too.
I welcome any suggestion to cure that coz I've been trying to stay away from distractions but I always end up rushing trough any assignments at the last minute.

Have a gr8 weekend!

Friday, October 7, 2011


sorry for the blur shot...

Anyhoow :) I woke up this morning and went on youtube while eating my breakfast. And I duunno how but I was watching music videos and ended up on nail art and there was this really cool tutorial on how to make that cute little owl u see there!

Took me a lil while but I'm liking the result! It is actually quite fun and easy to do, all u need is a opaque blue (turquoise) coat on all of your fingernails. U can then make brown dots using the tips of a bobby pin (or a nail dotting tool if u have one). 
For the owl, make a oval shape opaque blue coat first, then u can use a toothpick to make the ears. 
U can then add the brown wings and 2 big white dots for the eyes and 3 lil white dots for it fur at the edge of your nail (make sure to add 3 lil opaque dots on top of the white dots for the fur to give dimension to it)
U can use a toothpick again to make a triangular shape for its brown nose.
All that is left is the eyes: just add 1 brown dot on each eye and then u can complete the eye using a toothpick and making a white eyeball in the middle of each the owl's huge eye!

Et voilà! :D

I'll leave u with a song I've been listening to: Clara C - Heartstrings


credits: cutepolish@youtube

New beginnings~

Hello all!!!

So many thoughts just went through my mind as I'm trying to figure out what to write as starting words for this blog.

Really, this blog will be all about just any random things that I'll stumble through.... just like a jar of  thoughts!

I've always wanted to create a blog but I never got inspiration xD ( .....reading other people's blog is more fun.)
Somehow, my friend Lara showed me her blog and I just got like a feeling that says "that's it, why don't u start your own blog right now?"

So here I am :D

Hope u'll enjoy it!
