Friday, October 7, 2011


sorry for the blur shot...

Anyhoow :) I woke up this morning and went on youtube while eating my breakfast. And I duunno how but I was watching music videos and ended up on nail art and there was this really cool tutorial on how to make that cute little owl u see there!

Took me a lil while but I'm liking the result! It is actually quite fun and easy to do, all u need is a opaque blue (turquoise) coat on all of your fingernails. U can then make brown dots using the tips of a bobby pin (or a nail dotting tool if u have one). 
For the owl, make a oval shape opaque blue coat first, then u can use a toothpick to make the ears. 
U can then add the brown wings and 2 big white dots for the eyes and 3 lil white dots for it fur at the edge of your nail (make sure to add 3 lil opaque dots on top of the white dots for the fur to give dimension to it)
U can use a toothpick again to make a triangular shape for its brown nose.
All that is left is the eyes: just add 1 brown dot on each eye and then u can complete the eye using a toothpick and making a white eyeball in the middle of each the owl's huge eye!

Et voilà! :D

I'll leave u with a song I've been listening to: Clara C - Heartstrings


credits: cutepolish@youtube

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